Wednesday, January 27, 2010

PMA _Positive Mental Attitude_

Positive mental attitude, is a psychological term which describes a mental phenomenon in which the central idea is that one can increase achievement through optimistic thought processes.

PMA implies that one has a vision of good natured change in one's mind; it employs a state of mind that continues to seek, find and execute ways to win, or find a desirable outcome, regardless of the circumstances. It rejects negativity, defeatism and hopelessness. Part of the process of achieving PMA employs motivating "self talk" and deliberate goal-directed thinking.

Positive Mental Attitude is also a movement within the larger DIY Culture (arguably popularised by the Bad Brains song "I Luv I Jah" and "Attitude"). This includes bands and songs touting the importance of a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA).
Positive Mental Attitude, or PMA, is largely referred to by The Combined Insurance Company of America, as being a creation of W.

Clement Stone, despite the fact that similar ideas have been in existence far before Stone claimed it as his own.[1] Positive Mental attitude has been known to help people through certain difficult times in their lives or even help them overcome illnesses.[citation needed] Many people[who?] believe it can help you not only mentally but physically, hence "laughter is the best medicine"

Ref from

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